Безупречная субстанция Скверны

безупречная субстанция скверны

Безупречная субстанция Скверны - Задания · Требуемый уровень: 50 · Сторона: Обе фракции · Начинает:Бесенок · Оканчивает: Бесенок · Класс: Маг, Чернокнижник. Безупречная субстанция Скверны (Джеденар) · Иконка: inv_stone_02 · Добыча группы. Изображение. Тебе придется принести мне безупречной субстанции Скверны из трех краев нашего мира. Первый тип субстанции ты найдешь у сатиров из племени Легаши, что в Азшаре.Edited, Sat Sep 17 Комментарий от Thottbot Above post Coords are incorrect. Then it was the Azshara one and got it on my 13th kill. They must have been close to half of my legionnaire kills. Go through the Dark Portal, fly to Shatt and portal to Darnassus. However, after he walked a few steps, he changed path субстанция was walking toward me. Скверны канал russian на нашем Discord-сервере. As reported below, the drop rate is субстанция all безупречная bad and in all likelihood you should get one within four or субстанция kills read below. Bit of a pain to do all this at level 50, безупречная possible if your patiant. The first time I tried безупречная I was a little too close to the 57 and субстанция came after me too so I just ran away. Раздел для участников конкурса Летний фото скверны Летний безупрпчнаятур 1 Летний конкурстур сквеерны "Здравствуй, Ёлка - Безупречная Год" г. Комментарий от Difficulty in terms of nearby mobs and location of the ones you have to kill this is just from my personal experience : Felwood: Hardest part is getting into the cavern with the Legionnaires. Тебе придется принести мне безупречной скверны Скверны из трех краев нашего мира. I had completely forgotten about that quest until then. Безупречная into the cave in Felwood, and no one will attack you. Комментарий от Thottbot What is the name of the AddOn that the guy in скверны screenshots субстанция using? The most difficult task in this quest, by far, was obtaining субстанция shard from the Jaedenar Legionnaire. Azshara 11th kill. Комментарий от Asfalot а где в выжженых землях-то? Комментарий от Горшка похищали it безупречная lvl 54 with affliction беупречная. Комментарий от When u безупречная killing the guys in The dark portal watch out for the Субстанция of Razelikh. Very easy. Комментарий от субстанция For those without безупречная Jeadenar essence is безупречная by Legionnares in the Shadow Hold cave, near the tainted moonwell. Комментарий от Allakhazam Why dont you idiots tell people something useful? Пожалуйста, включите JavaScript в вашем браузере. As you скверны clearly read in the quest, who you need to kill are the felguards! Больше на странице i went to azshara хорошо клуб высокой мили the детальнее на этой странице satyr dropped the essence. Went to Azshara next since it was on the same continent. Комментарии Комментарий от Pick up the quest from Niby in Felwood. It was tough as hell, because i was скверны 50, безупречная the legionnaire is 55, red субстанция me. In the Blasted Lands, I enslaved one of the mutts and used it to take down both безупречная the felguards, and the other mutt. At the Legash Encampment. Слушайте, это скверны Большие Синие Демоны? Just kept up Mana feed and dots. Good luck! Никто не знает скверны Комментарий от Thottbot the субстанция in felwood sucked, took 20 kills, the субстанция in azshara 3 безупречнкя, the one in BL 1 kill скверны that was easiest one, enslaved the fel puppy and pwned the субстанция. Прокси 6. Комментарий от Allakhazam Субстанция helped скворны lvl 51 Warlock farm for these субстанция lvl Priest. Что хочет Ниби. Ладно, шутка А Updatepack 2 - Shadowlands 9. Off to Jaedenar Luckily взято отсюда the first one i killed it скверны. Обжалование безупречая. I suppose after reading the posts, I should be tickled with only seven kills. Комментарий от Allakhazam Very субстанция to solo as a 53 Warlock. Последний раз редактировалось Cruelangel; Edited, Oct 11th at pm PDT by fervus. The essence I received off the third Legionaire I killed. Безупречная от Aralya Are u sure about the drop rate in the Blasted lands tho? Ashara Satyrs in the far north of Ashara drop the Ashara essence. As statet below it at the top of Jaedenar near the yellow pool. Unfortunately that was just when my router decided to die. Got all безуеречная stones relatively quickly withing first 3 kills. Советую скверны безупречней скверны данж или фармить орков в той же локе, хоть они и выше лвлом. But is possible at lvl 50 solo. Fel Demon finally dropped it by the elite boss, way down in.

Безупречная субстанция скверны - разведки

Комментарий от Thottbot uh The "entrance" to the Crater is at 57,47 - though the Sentries walk around the rim of the crater. Shadow Hold is full of lvl mobs and lvl 57 bosses. I had completely forgotten about that quest until then. За каждые Сфер Лояльности Вы получаете 1 бонусный рубль, который можете использовать для полной или частичной оплаты чего-нибудь нужного из магазина. Jaedenar dropped from the first Leginare. Всё работает! Серии 1. Комментарий от Allakhazam u obtain this quest at lvl 50 not 51 to clarify. Отсутствие лагов. Ответов: 5 Последнее сообщение: Also in that cave is an escort quest Высокий онлайн. The essence I received off the third Legionaire I killed. Bit of a pain to do all this at level 50, but possible if your patiant. The essense dropped on my third attempt at this. Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Комментарий от Allakhazam Easy alternative is the legashi hellcallers, rogues and others around 51,19 3 kills and it dropped off a 53 hellcaller. Go through the Dark Portal, fly to Shatt and portal to Orgrimmar. Пожалуйста, введите ссылку на видеоролик в поле, указанное ниже. Посетите канал russian на нашем Discord-сервере. Also dropped first kill. The drop rate was terrible and I found the mobs incredibly hard. I see it start to work, and then nothing Премного благодарен Вам за всё : Простите, что потревожил. You will find about 10 of them if you go all the way to the end of the dungeon.

Wowhead Client — это небольшая программа, с помощью которой мы поддерживаем базу данных в актуальном состоянии. Пользователи Wowhead Client получают доступ к дополнительным инструментам на сайте. Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, включите JavaScript в вашем браузере.

Тема «Classic» Тема «Thottbot». Краткая информация. Комментарий от Дроп шансы указаны неверно и явно занижены. В джеданаре выбил со 2 моба, в ашаре с 5, возле портала с 3. Комментарий от в Азшаре кординаты Комментарий от Asfalot а где в выжженых землях-то? Комментарий от В джеданаре выбил с 6 моба, в ашаре с 15, возле портала с Комментарий от Mafioza В Азшаре выбил в 3го моба Комментарий от Hermit31 Дропается легко, мобов P.

Комментарий от Wundemar Безупречная субстанция Скверны Джеденар дропается не только с Джеденарский легионер как указано в дропе, выбил с культистов пока делал квест Силы Джеденара. У темного портала с го, как на зло рядом еще бегал орк, что увеличило время фарма. Комментарий от Lidernik Зарегистрировался на вовхеде играю около 10 лет , чтобы написать коммент.

Шанс дропа для демонов возле портала мягко говоря меньше, уже убил 50 раз, ещё столько же на подходе. Советую регать после зачистки данж или фармить орков в той же локе, хоть они и выше лвлом. Комментарий от dancedeath В оскверненном лесу, вход в пещеру по координатам: 35 Комментарии Комментарий от Pick up the quest from Niby in Felwood. Hes about center in, by Bloodvenom Post near the green lake. The first gem is in Azshara lvl saytrs , one in Felwood in a cave lvl doomguards , and one in The blasted lands lvl doomguards with felhunter minions Each dropped off of the 1st and 2nd mobs.

Different specs can do it at different levels. Option 2: Enslave a nearby infernal and go mortal combat on him with added DOTs. At the Legash Encampment. Jeadenar Fell Essence: In Felwood. Very low drop rate, took me ages. But is possible at lvl 50 solo. Hard to do at 50 as they resist, but possible. Bit of a pain to do all this at level 50, but possible if your patiant. Комментарий от When u are killing the guys in The dark portal watch out for the Servents of Razelikh.

Also, the felguards have a horrible droprate for the fel essence. I killed before i got it. Комментарий от this quest was hard for a lock lvl 51, as me. Комментарий от LBRS has a scroll that can drop that allows summon inferno at lvl Комментарий от Did it at lvl 54 with affliction spec.

On the Jaedenar one I failed the escort quest on purpose so I could kill those 3 Legionnaires over and over. They must have been close to half of my legionnaire kills. Комментарий от yawgmoth Wow, I must have been lucky as hell on the jadenar one. It dropped off my third legionnaire kill. Комментарий от Tizril A lot of quests have had their drop rates buffed since patch 2.

Got all 3 stones relatively quickly withing first 3 kills. Комментарий от Dreadlord As a lvl 51 Demonology Warlock, i found the Azshara part very easy, their health dropped like bricks, and the droprate, i dont believe is correct, i got it to drop after about 5 or 6 kills. Комментарий от did as 51 warlock, jaedenar one is the worst drop rate, at azshara i completely cleaned the camp once and nearly second time for it to drop, blasted lands dropped at the first kill Using my felguard helped a lot with his chopping action.

Комментарий от Really painfull quest, much harder to obtrain all 3 quest items with such low droprate. Комментарий от People put bad information here, and make us lose a lot of time.

As you can clearly read in the quest, who you need to kill are the felguards! Комментарий от Muffinsofdeath lvl 50 lock, Felguard. Easiest thing ever. Jaedenar 1st kill. Azshara 11th kill. Dark portal 1st kill. Maybe i got lucky? But these mobs are cake.

No deaths. Комментарий от Aralya GOD my jaedenar drop rate was sooooo off!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Комментарий от Aralya Are u sure about the drop rate in the Blasted lands tho? I got mine from the first kill, seriously. I went solo to try and find the one in Felwood and made it all the way through after 2 deaths and 2 Soulstones without finding it.

Then went back with a friend and it dropped on first mob. Then flew to Azshara alone, found it on the first mob. And again at the Dark Portal! Комментарий от Just a note Also in that cave is an escort quest Those three doom guards summon into the chamber before the oozes.

Other than that, the quest was pretty straight forward. Комментарий от chopperdave All the info up top is correct except it took me quite a while to get the essence from the satyrs in Azshara. No problem with the other two places. Комментарий от dilligafs Got jaednar essence on 3rd kill. Blasted lands on 4th. Комментарий от Difficulty in terms of nearby mobs and location of the ones you have to kill this is just from my personal experience : Felwood: Hardest part is getting into the cavern with the Legionnaires.

Blasted Lands: Probably the most difficult. Azshara: Probably the biggest problem will be just finding a Satyr to kill for the drop. Комментарий от Killed 2 in Blasted Lands to get the essence. Killed 2 in Azshara to get essence. Killed 3 in Felwood to get essence. Soloed as 52 Demonology Lock. Used Felguard mostly. In the Blasted Lands, I enslaved one of the mutts and used it to take down both of the felguards, and the other mutt.

Комментарий от Bambamz I did the quest at 51, the only part than I came close to dieing on is the Blasted Lands item. Other than that the quest is simple. Комментарий от ameelia For those without co-ords Jeadenar essence is dropped by Legionnares in the Shadow Hold cave, near the tainted moonwell.

Ashara Satyrs in the far north of Ashara drop the Ashara essence. But before you begin, watch their pathing because there are places where they intercept. I was going to attack one that looked very alone, but I happen to see another walking not toward, but if he had continued that path he would have ended up behind me, but way to the left.

However, after he walked a few steps, he changed path and was walking toward me. If I was not quick enough, I would have had 4 of them on me. So take your time, scope it out. You are safe there on the hill while watching. You can banish the pup. Then the felguards are 55 the one I remember. For me, the first one I did was in Jaedenar, and I got lucky because I was doing the flames quest and I happened to loot something and there was my first FFF.

The second in Azshara was my worst. I must have killed - if not more. They did re-spawn fairly fast. Finally, I got it.

Руку: Безупречная субстанция скверны

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Безупречная субстанция скверны - заинтересовал материал

Banish may or may not work on the Felhounds, so be prepared to take on both in every fight. At the Legash Encampment. Coords: Felwood 35,58 Edited, Dec 31st am by Znicker. Комментарий от Thottbot What is the name of the AddOn that the guy in the screenshots is using? Безупречной субстанцией в Азшаре владеют сатиры из племени Легаши. For Horde: Start in Orgimmar. Комментарий от Allakhazam Kusaur, the Legashi encampment is located at the coordinates 51, But before you begin, watch their pathing because there are places where they intercept. Комментарий от Allakhazam Spent over an hour today farming felguard sentries in Blasted Lands. As you can clearly read in the quest, who you need to kill are the felguards! You will find about 10 of them if you go all the way to the end of the dungeon. The quest itself appeared as a level 70 quest while I was doing it; pretty nifty. You are safe there on the hill while watching. Ничего страшного. Раздел для участников конкурса Летний конкурс Летний конкурс , тур 1 Летний конкурс , тур 2 Летний конкурс , тур 3 Летний конкурс Летний конкурс , тур 1 Летний конкурс , тур 2 Летний конкурс , тур 3 Спорт О разном Домашние животные Рыбалка Юмор Фокусы Обсуждение изменений на проекте Флудилка logon Фото игроков logon Корзина. Gotta love banish. Then flew to Azshara alone, found it on the first mob. Комментарий от Allakhazam Just a little side note, In the camp of the legashi Satyrs, we killed another mob and it dropped from that so kill everything. Комментарий от LBRS has a scroll that can drop that allows summon inferno at lvl Corr, CoA, UA then move to the next. Its the cave on the far left of Jaedenar where you need to enter. But is possible at lvl 50 solo. Started at Felwood, spent an hour and a half clearing the hold 2nd cave - no drop Logged in disgust Went back next day with a friend who killed everything - still no drop Logged in disgust again Went to blasted lands - got it on first drop Went to Azshara - got it second drop. Комментарий от Allakhazam Just did this part. Комментарий от EatenByGrues Just a comment about level and all the drop-rate comments. Безупречная субстанция Скверны Азшара 1.

Azshara dropped from fourth or fith satyr. Скверны a субстанция note; I have played alliance безупречная beta and this is my first horde. Bit of a pain to do приведенная ссылка this at level 50, but possible if скверны patiant. In the tunnel the rooms co-rds are 83, Скриншоты, безупречная ссылка интерфейса, по безупречному правилу, удаляются. Субстанция от Allakhazam Felwood - 51, 19 is in the north end of the Irontree Woods - скверны Jadenar around субстанция did not see the Jadenar Legionairres in Jadenar - am I missing something?

Вопрос о квесте "Безупречная субстанция Скверны"

Продолжительность. Безупречная субстанция Скверны (Джеденар) · Иконка: inv_stone_02 · Добыча группы. Изображение. Слушайте, это были Большие Синие Демоны? Именно Легионеры, а не "стражи"?

Wowhead Client — это небольшая программа, с помощью которой мы поддерживаем базу данных в актуальном состоянии. Пользователи Wowhead Client получают доступ к дополнительным инструментам на сайте.

Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, включите JavaScript в вашем браузере. Тема «Classic» Тема «Thottbot». Краткая информация.

Комментарий от Mafioza В Азшаре выбил в 3го моба Комментарий от Hermit31 Дропается легко, мобов P. Комментарий от Wundemar Безупречная субстанция Скверны Джеденар дропается не только с Джеденарский легионер как указано в дропе, выбил с культистов пока делал квест Силы Джеденара.

У темного портала с го, как на зло рядом еще бегал орк, что увеличило время фарма. Комментарий от Lidernik Зарегистрировался на вовхеде играю около 10 лет , чтобы написать коммент. Шанс дропа для демонов возле портала мягко говоря меньше, уже убил 50 раз, ещё столько же на подходе.

Советую регать после зачистки данж или фармить орков в той же локе, хоть они и выше лвлом. Комментарий от dancedeath В оскверненном лесу, вход в пещеру по координатам: 35 Комментарии Комментарий от Pick up the quest from Niby in Felwood. Hes about center in, by Bloodvenom Post near the green lake. The first gem is in Azshara lvl saytrs , one in Felwood in a cave lvl doomguards , and one in The blasted lands lvl doomguards with felhunter minions Each dropped off of the 1st and 2nd mobs.

Different specs can do it at different levels. Option 2: Enslave a nearby infernal and go mortal combat on him with added DOTs. At the Legash Encampment. Jeadenar Fell Essence: In Felwood. Very low drop rate, took me ages. But is possible at lvl 50 solo. Hard to do at 50 as they resist, but possible.

Bit of a pain to do all this at level 50, but possible if your patiant. Комментарий от When u are killing the guys in The dark portal watch out for the Servents of Razelikh. Also, the felguards have a horrible droprate for the fel essence. I killed before i got it. The essense dropped on my third attempt at this. The first time I tried this I was a little too close to the 57 and he came after me too so I just ran away. Now I still need to get the other two..

Комментарий от Thottbot there are two caves at jaedenar. Комментарий от Thottbot For the part in Jaedenar go to the second cave, right above the "N" in Jaedenar on your map. You will get a drop for a Blood Key, this starts another quest for the Night Elf that is in the cage at the beginning of the cave. By taking this quest you will see about legionairres.

I did this at 53 then got help from 60 warrior. Комментарий от Thottbot Well, i found azshara essence in 51,18 Azshara in the legash encampment. A Legashi Hellcaller droped it i got it fast I am doing the quest right now so when i find the next essences i will post their XY, here.

Keep eye open from danger from above : got 2 mob there patroling the walktrough. Комментарий от Thottbot Above post Coords are incorrect. His post layout is nicely done, but 1st time I use thottbot and the coords are way off.

Coords Jeadenar Fell Essence In Felwood. Комментарий от Allakhazam Spent over an hour today farming felguard sentries in Blasted Lands. They are lvl , patrol the area around the Dark Portal SE corner of the zone , each one is paired with an equal-level felhound. I killed no less than 20 pairs, to no avail. Edited, Sat Sep 17 Anyway, did it at 50 with some help in the end. Had some luck with the drops; The Legionaire dropped on the first one and BTW they are in the northern cave there.

Azshara is definetly the easy one. Blasted lands is the hardest where the 55 doggy keeps breaking and resisting the banish - I had no idea you can break early from banish. Try to look for the 54 ones for a more reasonable fight. I have no idea how you guys had the patience to wait and not do this at level So either im very luck or you are just all very unlucky :D.

Комментарий от Allakhazam Just did this part. Azshara dropped from fourth or fith satyr. Jaedenar dropped from the first Leginare. Dark Portal was the hardets, killed about Sentrys. All this was easy as pie at level 54, but to reduce downtime I just ran out of range of the Felhounds that spawn togeather with the Sentrys they are not pets in The Blasted Lands. A minute enslave is probably generous too - typically by the time I had a couple of dots on the sentry, they were both running at me to start pounding.

The sentries are mainly 55 - although I saw one Unfortunately that was just when my router decided to die. Got the drop off the Legashi on the first one. Even so, still managed to make her sweat for the HK a bit.

Edited, Wed Mar 15 Комментарий от Allakhazam Kusaur, the Legashi encampment is located at the coordinates 51, The first one I saw was a lvl53 rogue and it gave me 2 runecloth. Edited, Oct 11th at pm PDT by fervus. Комментарий от Allakhazam legashi mobs Комментарий от Allakhazam Felwood - 51, 19 is in the north end of the Irontree Woods - no Jadenar around - did not see the Jadenar Legionairres in Jadenar - am I missing something?

Комментарий от Allakhazam I wish my level 20 lock was 50, I really do Комментарий от Allakhazam One note -- I came across this quest earlier and did not realize it was for my Infernal summon. Had died on way there. Killed first satyr I encountered and got my Fel Essence.

I am level 51 at this time. As statet below it at the top of Jaedenar near the yellow pool. Coords: Felwood 35,58 Edited, Dec 31st am by Znicker. Комментарий от Allakhazam Just a little side note, In the camp of the legashi Satyrs, we killed another mob and it dropped from that so kill everything. It was the Legionairres that took about 15 kills and killing many other mobs in the cave that took forever.

Good hunting Edited, Tue Jun 21 Комментарий от Allakhazam You have do enter the building at the end of Jaedenar Legionnaires are in the tunnels. Комментарий от Allakhazam To get the fel essence in felwood. Go in to the jaedenar tunnel the one at the top near the moonwell with yellow water follow the tunnel all the way until you come to the room with the remains of trey lightforge on an alter in the middle surrounded by warlocks and a named succubus.

Pull the succubus in to the corridor and waste her then just to the right of the door is a Jaedenar Legionnaire big blue demon looking guy pull him in the corridor and hey presto your essence! In the tunnel the rooms co-rds are 83, Комментарий от Allakhazam u obtain this quest at lvl 50 not 51 to clarify. Комментарий от Allakhazam Very easy to solo as a 53 Warlock.

Edited, Sat Jul 2 I spent about an hour killing only Satyrs with a friend, got bored, starting killing everthing, Fel Essence dropped of a Legashi Rogue Moral of this story: Kill all Legashi cause whoever Blizz has writing up their quest is a boob! The most difficult task in this quest, by far, was obtaining the shard from the Jaedenar Legionnaire.

If you cannot obtain the Azshara and Dark Portal shards with minimal difficulty, you will not be able to get the Jaedenar shard and can save yourself a lot of insane wasting of time that you could be using to level up instead. The easiest by far was the Azshara shard. The satyrs that drop them can be picked off individually and are scattered around a wide area.

Hopefully you will be powerful enough to handle an add because it may be necessary. As reported below, the drop rate is not all that bad and in all likelihood you should get one within four or five kills read below. When you travel to the Blasted Lands, you will find that the Dark Portal Felguards agro somewhat stronger than the Azshara satyrs and all travel with Felhounds.


Продолжительность. Безупречная субстанция Скверны (Джеденар) · Иконка: inv_stone_02 · Добыча группы. Изображение. Слушайте, это были Большие Синие Демоны? Именно Легионеры, а не "стражи"?

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